January 26, 2010

So many resources... so little time.

Yukinori Sasa (Paraestra Jiu Jitsu) Guard Instructional
Jiu Jitsu University
Passing the Guard

I really need to spend more time outside of training looking at these things and setting more specific goals for myself. I'm always finding myself getting muscled into triangles and I really need to work my escapes. Here are my next focuses for a while:

- Triangle Escapes
- Passing the Guard

Passing the closed/open/butterfly guard really isn't a hard task for me on people of my own skill levels but often times I find myself in these weird positions with my opponents legs in knots. That's usually when I'll resort to just grabbing one of their angles and doing a shimmy towards that blocked side. I really just need to read more.

Anyways, NAGA is coming up on the 6th. I'm excited and very eager for it to come. It's at the Twin Rivers Casino so it should be really fun afterwards too!

Off to training I go.

January 19, 2010

January 11, 2010

Overall, it's been a pretty good training week.

Monday - MMA/BJJ plus Open Mat
Tuesday - BJJ plus OM (both afternoon and evening sessions)
Wednesday - MMA/BJJ plus OM
Friday - BJJ plus OM

I had planned to go Sunday but between work and training, I needed a break. Work is pretty spontaneous right now and working outside in the cold is exhausting.

I'm happy with my training other than the spike of injuries I've experienced. I banged my knee up on a sprawl during MMA on Wednesday and hurt my hand during grappling. They're both feeling better after my weekend off but it's still something I have to think about.

I wish I blogged earlier about what I learned during the week but it's all pretty cloudy. Friday, we worked a lot of open guard sweeps when your opponent stands. The first sweep:

1. Starting with both feet on opp hips
2. Grab a the right ankle and drop your leg foot around your opp right foot leg wrap/hook
3. Push and pull

The second sweep we worked was when we attempted the first sweep but our opponent stepped away from our leg wrap/hook.

1. Switch your left foot to their left hip
2. Use your leg that you attempted the hook/leg wrap with to sweep out the opposite leg as you push with your left foot

The last sweep we worked was a De La Riva sweep. I had a tough time getting my leg around and moving myself behind them on this one. I think it's because my legs aren't super long.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Submission Grappling:
Taking The Back From The De La Riva Guard

The video explains it better than I can. Now that I watched this, I see I was just being too nice getting around to take their back. I was going to them instead of making them come to me.

After class during open mat, I rolled with an older blue belt who is pretty experienced in BJJ and a black belt in Judo. He was getting me with all kinds of weird wrist locks and he flowed really nicely. One thing I noticed, every time I got to his back when he turtled, he would grab my arm, pin it and make roll with him until I ended up with him on my side mount. I should have asked him about it but I'll look into it later on. He gave me a couple tips here and there. I found rolling with him to be really helpful, probably the most helpful roll I've had lately.

MMA/BJJ plus OM tonight. Looking forward to it.

January 4, 2010


Just as I decide that I'm going to put all of those fancy guards and flashy moves away, my MMA instructor decides to teach us everything X-Guard this month. It has been something I have been interested in (being a big fan of Marcelo) and I was pretty excited to get into it.

He started with how to get to the X-Guard itself. Apparently, there are thousands of ways to get into it but he showed us where someone puts one leg up and with one knee down. We simply grabbed their leg (while keeping a butterfly hook into the down knee) and pulled it over our shoulder and listened to it like we were on the phone. Then, with our free leg, we kicked to gain moment and pushed our partner back to stuff our other hook in (on top of their leg, above our hook, making the 'X').

It seems pretty simple but it took me a couple tries to figure it out. I was hooking the wrong leg at first but I made adjustments and figured it out. I didn't get to practice any sweeps with it yet but it does seem like it would be pretty effective since we are holding one of their legs. It pretty much just leaves us with the option of grabbing an arm and taking them any way their weight provides. It's pretty interesting.

I jumped right into Judo afterwards. We did our usual warm ups and footwork drills. The throws we practiced both involved a 'T', stepping behind our forward foot, twisting and pulling our partners sleeve and lapel forward. Step in front of the foot with our free foot and twist like an owl, throwing our partner to the ground with an arm controlled.

The second throw was essentially the same but from a side tie up, with either an overhook/underhook or a whizzer.

I feel like Judo will help my stand up a lot in the beginning of matches in tournaments. I'm glad I'll have that throw to use.

January 2, 2010

A new year and a new post

Everyone knows that with a New Year comes New Years Resolutions. Everyone also knows that most people will never actually do what they said they would do or even set any. I was the girl in the later group, never setting any resolutions simply because I knew I wouldn't follow through with them. Welps, I have decided to be different this year... zomg!

- Attend all classes Monday through Friday and Sunday afternoon. These classes are mostly BJJ (good), about 3 hours of MMA a week, an hour of takedowns and an hour and a half of Judo! This also includes 4 hours of open mat which is absolutely aweeeesome.
- Eat healthier. I started today with an egg for breakfast and tunafish with apple slices for lunch which makes me very hungry at the moment.
- Compete in all tournaments possible. Now, there are 4 Grappler's Quest events in New Jersey, each roughly 3 hours away. There is a NAGA in Rhode Island and a Submission Only in Rochester. I really really want to compete in all of these events.
- Work on my strength and conditioning. I have a gym membership which has seldom been used lately. I need to change that.
- Save as much cash as possible. So this isn't fighting related... POOP!

On that note, I was also promoted again a couple weeks ago. I'm now a two stripe white belt. I have high hopes of being a blue belt by the end of 2010. Wish me luck! :)

1000 flighthours

I'm a thief but let me explain!

I've been reading Zhoozhitzu do Graugardo and he came up with this great idea of tracking 1000 hours of sparring and evaluating himself at certain stages of the project. I think this is an excellent way to analyze my game. However, instead of focusing on my hours of rolling, I would rather do it on my hours of instruction. So, enjoy the journey. I'm sure I will!

My focuses:

- As always, my bottom half guard game. It's something that has came very natural for me. I would like to learn more sweeps from here and work on pressuring my opponent from this position.
- Passing the guard. This has been my focus for quite a while. I have gotten a lot better but I can still see holes in my technique.
- Agression. Again, it was a focus before but it will remain one. I need to be more offensive rather than relying on having to be defensive. I need to go for AND finish submissions more often while keeping pressure on for the best position.
- Sweeps. I feel as if my sweeps are lacking. Not necessarily my knowledge of sweeps but actually using them SUCCESSFULLY while rolling would be a step in the right direction.

There you have it.

A couple random side notes since I haven't updated in a while:

I have been provided with some awesome instructional recently. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is so diverse and I love it but I need to start narrowing my focuses down. I've decided to put all of the Eddie Bravo techniques to the side until I'm a higher rank. I keep hearing that white belts really need to focus on the basic techniques and I would like to do just that. I have Roy Dean's Blue Belt Requirements, Damian Maia's Science of Jiu Jitsu and Jeff Glover's Deep Half Guard. Naturally, I am very interested in the deep half guard DVD so I shall make an exception. Other than that, I won't be focusing on anything fancy (no x-guard, no cool submissions or sweeps). I just hope to pick up little hints here and there about mount, passing the guard, escapes, etc.